Inventory & Fulfillment
Inventory & Fulfillment
We're happy to plan ahead, ensure you always have bearings to use
Services include:​
Private Labeling
Blanket Orders
JIT Delivery Programs
Scheduled Releases
Fulfillment of Spare Parts Orders

OEM customers have the added stress of maintaining the perfect level of inventory. Too little and product can’t be shipped, too much and capital is tied up. We understand the needs of our OEM customers. As relationship starts to go, we're happy to keep inventory for our OEM customers.
Given blanket orders, we can make sure we have slewing bearings always available for our OEM customers at our California warehouse with JIT delivery. We also understand that requirements change, sometimes calling for bearings to be pulled up or pushed back. That’s just part of the business, and we are happy to ship accordingly.
We're also happy to provide Private Labeling service for larger OEM customers. Should you need any other customize service, please contact us and discuss. We're happy to fully support our aligned customers.